The Mission of Saint Margaret’s Episcopal Church is to create a welcoming space where people can discover and share their spiritual gifts.
Minds to think. Hearts to love. Hands to serve.
Our Services
Wednesday Choirs
5:45pm Handbell Choir
Meets upstairs above Parish Hall
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
Meets in choir room in Iona Center
Sunday Services
Holy Eucharist - Rite II | 9 AM
Children's Church is offered during this service for children grades PK-2nd
Spiritual Formation | 10:10 AM
See Locations to the right >>
Holy Eucharist - Rite II | 11 AM
Wednesday Noonday Services
Holy Eucharist - Rite II | 12 PM
No Music
Summer Schedule ( June-July )
Holy Eucharist | 10 AM
Holy Week & Easter Schedule
Maundy Thursday Service | 6 PM
Good Friday - Stations of the Cross | 12 PM
Good Friday Service | 6 PM
Easter Vigil | 6 AM
Easter Sunday - Holy Eucharist | 9 AM
Easter Reception | 10 AM
Easter Sunday - Holy Eucharist | 11 AM
Sundays | 10:10 AM
Children's Sunday School
Littles | PK - 2nd | Iona Center
Middles | 3rd - 4th | Callahan
Ascend | 5th - 7th | Callahan
E for Me | 8th-12th | Callahan
Adult Classes
Located in the Parish Hall and/or Vestry Room.
Sundays | 5 PM*
EYC Youth Group
6th - 12th Grade | Iona Center
* Sometimes EYC goes out to lunch or other special places at different times -- stay tuned to your bulletin, announcements, and our social media for specifics!