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Here at St. Margaret's, our various aspects of worship and community are led by our commissions. Each commission is responsible for a different area of fellowship, community, service, worship, or other support for our parish or community at large.


Adult Formation

Our Adult Christian Formation Commission (ACFC) is responsible for facilitating our adult Sunday school classes and other adult-oriented learning opportunities at
St. Margaret's. 

If you have any questions about Adult Formation, the commission, want to lead a class, or just have a general inquiry, please contact the chair of the commission. 

Chair: Pauline Rodwell


Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care Commission (PCC) is responsible for our responses for parishioners who are home-bound, ill, and injured. The commission handles LEV visits and many of our pastoral care commission members have gone through Community of Hope International Training (COHI) as a way to expand their pastoral care knowledge and abilities. 

If you are in need of pastoral care, whether it be food cards, home communion service, prayer, or anything else, please reach out to our PCC Chairs.

Co-Chair: Marsha Solomon

Co-Chair: Randy Denmon



Outreach Commission (OC) is both a commission within the church and entirely separate entity called St. Margaret's Outreach (SMCO). In the Episcopal Church, service and giving back is a core tenet of our faith. At St. Margaret's, our mission statement says: "...Hands to Serve," and we take that call to action seriously. 

SMCO offers aid to all those in need in the Carrollton / West GA area and works directly with other outreach organizations in the area through an amazing development called The Connector. Anyone needing assistance of any kind can use the link above to fill out one application and be put in touch with exactly who they need based on their request instead of having to fill out a bunch of forms and getting nowhere! Our Pastoral Assistant for Outreach (PAO), Meghan Bennett, with the help of our dedicated outreach volunteers and commission, run the monthly call-ins, food & supply pantry, and many other service projects like Starfish Village.

If you would like more information about any of our Outreach projects, would like to volunteer, or have a service project in mind, please contact our Outreach chair or our PAO.

Chair: Annette Watts

PAO: Meghan Bennett


Youth & Children's

Our Youth & Children's Commission (YCC) is, with the help of our Pastoral Assistant for Youth and Children (PAYC), Amber Cotton, responsible for developing and overseeing all things youth and children at St. Margaret's. This includes Nursery, Sunday School, Children's Church, EYC, Special Events, related fundraising, and more.

All of our volunteers are required to go through a Safeguarding God's Children course
in order to serve.

For questions about YCC, how to get involved, schedules, and more, please contact our commission chair, Beth Brewer.

Chair: Beth Brewer

Episcopal Evangelism

The Episcopal Evangelism Commission (EEC) mission is to "reclaim the Big E - Evangelism" and bring the positive message of St. Margaret's and the Episcopal Church at large to the wider community! EEC is responsible for running our annual Pride booth, EpiscoPets! meet-ups, our unofficial, but totally official Trivia Nights at Local Ties, Greenbelt Clean-Up, and much more! They also are the self-described "best commission ever."
Hard to argue with that!

If you are interested in the coolest commission at St. Margaret's and getting involved with some super neat opportunities or you have an idea, please contact our EEC chair.

Chair: Debra Adams


Our Worship Commission (WC) encompasses our various worship ministries including our Altar Guild (AG), which sets up for all of our Eucharist services, funerals, weddings, and other events, Music Ministry, which includes our Chancel Choir, and Handbell Choir, and Acolytes, which are those who serve in our services, like tapers & crucifers.

If you are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please reach out to one of our
Altar Guild Co-Chairs. 

Co-Chair: Rose Dufour

Co-Chair: Debbie Pyles

If you are interestd in joining either the Chancel Choir or the Handbell Choir, please reach out to our Organist-Choirmaster.

Co-Chair: Dock Anderson

If you or your child would like to serve as an Acolyte, please reach out to our head Acolyte or our Pastoral Assistant for Administration (PAA).

Head Acolyte: Jon Adams

PAA: Jeana Langford

Parish Life

The Parish Life Commission (PLC) is the commission for all the events at
St. Margaret's! Our annual picnic, St. Margaret's Day activities, Easter, Christmas festivities, and more! Our men's ministry (Brotherhood of St. Andrew) and our Epicopal Church Women (ECW) fall under the umbrella of Parish Life as well. 

If you are interested in having a look "behind the curtain" of all the goings-on at St. Margaret's and you want to join PLC, contact the PLC chair.

Chair: Neal Langford


Buildings & Grounds

Buildings & Grounds Commission (BGC) is run hand in hand with volunteers and our junior warden and it takes on all the tasks that are required for upkeeping, upgrading, and maintaining our beautiful campus. This includes things like painting, installing fences, hosting "Work Days" for general work and maintenance, and all other manner of handy work at St. Margaret's. It takes a lot to upkeep a church, and it is with the dedicated volunteers in the BGC that we are able to do so.

If you are interested in joining BGC, please reach out to the chair or our junior warden.

Chair: Randy Denmon

Junior Warden: Neal Langford


The Safety Commission (SC) branched off from Buildings & Grounds due to the specific nature of their work. They oversee the general safety of our campus-- like ensuring that cameras are installed, running properly, and constantly maintained. They handle the locks, keypads, etc. and oversee safety during our services. They think about the safety needs for church events as well.

If you are interested in serving on our safety commission or have a request or suggestion for the commission, contact the chair.

Chair: George Kelly



The Finance Commission (FC) handles everything related to accounts, endowments, giving, and pledging at St. Margaret's. They work hand in hand with our bookkeeper and with the Vestry. 

If you are interested in joining the Finance Commission or have a question for our bookkeeper, contact them using the links below.

Bookkeeper: Betsy Sutton

FC Chair: Bill Parrish


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